A Sales Not a Sale Until it's Paid

You have a business idea and set up the necessary structure. 

You need to gain exposure, so you hire marketing, maybe even a sales team.

Orders are starting to come in, so you hire staff to distribute workload too.

You send invoices out for work done/ products sold.

You continue to receive orders.

Invoice more. 

Some invoices are starting to get paid. 

More orders, more invoicing. 

Business is good!

Then you notice that not all the invoices are being paid. 

You mention it to your clients in passing.. “it will be paid next week..”

Next week comes without payment.

More invoices going out.

More invoices going unpaid. 

Business is good? 

After all the “sales” figures shows that you’ve had a record breaking month/ quarter/ year… so why does the bank not reflect this victory? 

Ever heard of the saying.. “a sale’s not a sale until it’s paid”? 

Just keep working – get more invoices out!

Money is now tight. 

Struggling to pay your suppliers/creditors.

Possible staff redundancies?

Worried about upsetting your customers by asking them to pay their 
invoices – you may lose their “business”.

No money to hire someone fix the issue of growing debtors.

You continue on.

Orders placed.

Invoices sent.

Your aging unpaid invoices mounting.

Now your creditors are chasing you.

You have no funds to pay them.

You start downsizing, maybe selling off assets. 

Creditor takes legal action for your non-payment. 

You’re forced into closure. 

This is the reality for many businesses. Don’t let it be yours!


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